Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Holy Crap! Long time no Blog!!

Where to start, where to start........
Mabey I should start with the best NEW news!  Deakon Troy Zentner, arrived on the morning of December 6th.  Weighing in at 7lbs 13 oz, and 20 inches long. 
And yes those are blue eyes!  He looks just like his daddy!  In fact the nurses at the hosital kept joking that if I tried to leave the hospital without Troy, security would stop me because this baby looks NOTHING like me.

We are all head over heels for this little guy, especially the men in our family.  They were sick of being out numbered and the Zentners are nothing if not competitive so this should even things out!
But that was then and this......
...Is Now!  Sooo, Sooo happy and sweet.  Blond hair and fair skin (so far).  Loves to laugh at anyone willing to give him attention (which isn't too hard to come by).  And as you probably guessed, he's as spoiled as can be--not too spoiled though considering there are 5 other people in this family who also have needs!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Thanks for the update. Keep 'em coming, how bout??